so ive been in brisbane for a few days now dont really like it much better than sydney but its ok. its been super hot since i crossed the border into queensland probably on average 28-35 deg and my face burnt the first day being here leaving a lovely outline of my sunglasses.
been hanging with manny again and always finding fun stuff to do during the nights. last knight we witnessed a possum fight in a tree which was quite entertaining & we found a giant chess board and played king vs king... it ended up being a stalemate. the night before we had shopping cart races and went to a fake beach in the middle of the city which had fake sand and a giant clorinated pool.
although i'm having a good time, i'm getting the same itchy feet to leave brisbane as well and get up to cairns (pronounced cans). probably the most beautiful land and the furthest north ill go. i'll be travelling up the sunshine coast which will soon be great barrier reef teritory. i can't wait....
oh yeah if you ever want to get ahold of me text or call 0011 61 414226563.
true or false, there are more kangaroos then humans in australia?