so for canada's birthday i went out with mikaela and her sister to augusta the most southern west point of australia where the indian and southern ocean's meet. there we were on a whale watching ship where we spotted countless humpback whale who would get very close to the ship and do the whole tail flip and shoot water out of their blowholes and other such whale behavior that whales would be known to do. also at the end we spotted a giant and i mean giant stingray, very cool to see.
for mikaela's birthday we went out to rottnest island off the western coast near freemantle. there we took bicycles and toured around spotting quokas (a small rare rat like kangaroo) giant ofspey's nest and other unique and interesting wildlife. both were gorgeous days to be out on the water again.
oh and today i got my next job here in bunbury. i'm now a consultant for a new pizza pasta restaurant opening downtown. another case of tell one aussie your looking for work and him dropping everything make a few visits/calls and the next day have a job. it's just part time so i can still keep working on my music and studying which i planned to do while here. that's all for now; give canada a big belated birthday hug for me and tell her i miss her so.