(updated below to complete website as of Feb '11)
i'm really glad to have found these site/pages as i have been so frusterated with myspace; so i can finally give up on that site. this new site now has pics, videos, info like shows and then links to my bandcamp page to hear music.
most of my energy has been going into this album. handcrafted cd's and cases is alot of work and time, but i enjoy it.
other than that i finally finished making/converting the electric moped out of a 1973 italian ciamatti gas moped a couple months ago. it runs great, bigger batteries than the electric bicycle means longer range. also with the tougher suspension we can go 2up with miki on the back!
time on the farm has been over for a while. it was really worth while and i learned lots about life an organic farm. propagating plants, constucting chicken coups, building and fixing various things. there was also no garbage pickup so everything was either composted reused or recycled. i really loved the open space there and realised that i prefer the rural life to city dweling.
i joined jzero and renee's band "the dyeing merchants". although it will be pretty short term i've enjoyed getting back on the bass. my friend rob even had a "marcus miller" signature fender jazz bass that i used to play for a while in Red not Evil that i'm able to use now. brought back some memories.
i'll be playing my last show with them boxing day in kelowna. then the tour of the new "nightshade" album begins. i'll be playing on katharsis cjsw 90.9 fm for those of you in calgary Jan 9th 8pm. then a record store in iceland and off to sweden for a few months with some random shows, then later in 2011 over to scotland and probably holland and germany again. would like to see france and a few other more southern countries as we have made some friends recently that we could visit. we'll see.
i guess it's coming up on that time of year again... chill week dec 20-27th. should be a good relaxing cold one again. hope you enjoy yourselves too.