well im about to leave the land of oz in a week or so. It seems like only yesterday i was frantically trying to sort out where to get my motorbike, and get my business papers organized and sent by rich (since the car with my papers got towed a couple hours before my flight left for australia). hopefully this flight goes smooth ;fingers crossed.
it's been a wonderful period in my life for growth and change but time here is coming to an end. slowly i'll be continuing my way round the world and home to canada but first a little side journey. im off to kualla lumpur maylasia just for a partial day then to holland on tues where we will meet up with some old friends from magnetic island, roul, squim, and nanny. and then a few days later, off to sweden to meet some of mikaela's friends and family. while there we'll probably try when possible to see the surrounding countrys( denmark, germany, and norway) time and money permitting of course.
i feel like somehow summarizing my time here but not quite sure how to put it in words. i mean i've accomplised what i set out to do and but have really gained much more. really im coming away with purpose, cause, ideas, greater knowledge, inspiration/musically miles ahead of where i was, and a great girl. i can't wait for all you to meet her. what else could i ask for? im not intending to boast but just to recognise the fruits of what has come into my life and feel fortunate by everything thats happened to me. never taking the small things/luxuries for granted is one very important lesson learned over and over here.
im not going to go over everything ive done and experienced and go trotting down memory lane cause i've already written most of it, for it is the future that we seek and the present that we experience right?.
just when you see me next and ask 'yeah, and how was australia'? in the same way you might ask someone how their breakfast tastes, you might be in for a long winded answer or you'll probably get the canned "fine" answer. in getting an answer you want its always good to know the right question.