Goldy 2(or jr)
and Bronco
i'll put up some more pics with all the ridiculus saddle bags and stuff hanging off the sides after the trip. we're planning on doing the west coast; around cradle mountain one of the final national parks in the world not interferred by man.
and some sweedish ive learned too:
Jag cyklar i tasmania under pistolhot av mikaela...:Q
i'd like to side trail into the pros and cons and costs of owning this bicycle verses having a motor vehicle.
1. regisrtation $0
2. insurance $0
3. hassel of setting those things up and renewing them.
D. licence $0, fuel $0, engine oil $0, Chain oil $12
6. maintenance maybe $40 including all spare parts AND cup holders. all done quite easily by myself with no specific bicycle training.
7. parking fees $0
8. parking spaces =infinate
H. able to travel on roads, sidewalks (defensively) and bike trails anywhere and never be stuck in traffic. getting places sometimes faster than a car could.
X. something or other for the environment.
11. total cost of bike only at most $140
12. garage space, minimal in comparison to motor vehicle
and lets end w/ lucky
13. the whole getting fit business and not getting RLS restless leg syndrom at night.
now the cons ... hmmm... sometimes my leg gets chain oil on it and if im wearing long pants and forget to roll one up the cuff can get caught in the sprocket....maybe i'll think of more