it was pretty amazing flying over the pacific ocean this morning. in the boeing 747 we were flying 900 mph away from the sunrise which made it last for about 2 hours. for those of you concerned with the trials of my ear explosions, as i expected the decent into san francisco was again the most painful of my life (sorry marco i chewed a whole pack of gum and it didn't do anything). almost luckly though i don't think i re-pressurized before i was in the air again so that made the sydney decent alot less painful. fyi about 3 hours to san fran 14 hours to sydney not quite 20 but long enough.
so now i'm set up at nomad's maze hostel, and honestly after that long a flight , jet lag setting in, maybe an hour sleep, this place is huge and very much a confusing maze. seems to be alright though.
oh yeah , get this. so right before i leave cow town with my buddy rich, the car we're riding around in gets towed! luckly my bags and passport we're yet to be loaded in. all i am missing is my last paycheque and the international DL i got that day. oh well it'll all work out and could have been much worse.
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