Wednesday, October 1, 2008

top of the (bottom) world!

it felt so great getting my last piece of mail today that enabled me to get my registration and plates. and yes i did finally get my business papers from rich a week and a half later(fyi if you're sending me a valentine card).

but what felt even better was riding away on my new bike! it handles so easily for that size of bike. i think i'm going to keep the fairing too, it's starting to grow on me and it would be a huge hassle to get and re-wire the signals and like the seca, the headlight is mounted in the fairing. too much trouble; i just need to enjoy the ride.

so as scheduled i leave tomorrow morning north up the pacific highway. expecting to meet up with manny in a couple days in brisbane. it's about a ten hour drive but i'm going to split it in two or three days ... hopefully. it's also labor? day weekend here so getting proper camping might prove difficult.
got all my camping gear today. tent, inflatable mat, cooking supplies. i'm going to have to downsize my stuff as i go since every nook is filled on the bike including both tank bags. so much for travelling light.

i'll put some pics up later on this post i just dont really have much time now, just wanted to let you know everything worked out so far and i get to start exploring the real australia and get out of this lost:city.

d.y.k.,the little blvds in the middle of the roads are called refuge islands?


bearkat said...

Pete, You go and enjoy riding that bike!!! I just know from riding shotgun, it was a really nice ride. Glad you have all your paperwork in order too. Can't wait for the pics! Your last they call them medians, but there they might have a different word for them. Take care, be safe! :):)

Setharius said...

hey canada, good to hear you finally got your bike all sorted and now able to ride off into the wind. I still think you should of gone for a sports bike =D

Yeah we call the refuge islands but the funny thing is, the sign for a refuge island shows a black woman and child O.o Perhaps it is a government plot for racist propaganda.

When will you be heading North to Queensland (the sunshine and fucking hot state)?

Arielle said...

Oh Petoria how your adventures make me jealous.
You seem to be enjoying yourself. I want life changing stories soon though.
Get crackin'.