well ive made it to western australia. 2 hours south of perth in a place called bunbury is where ive set up residence for now. getting to there though was very tiresome; 8 hour bus ride from strahan to hobart, up very early to take the airport shuttle, at the hobart airport i walk in with 40 minutes untill the flight leaves still having to disassemble my bike pack it check it and my 20kg guitar/2Xsaddlebag bungie cord'd together thing (also carring my double 12kg tankbag topped to the nines as a carry-on), and go through security. lucky its a pretty small airport but i still got the announcement over the p.a. "Mr. Peter Glimm if you are in the airport please proceed imediatly to your plane it is fully boarded and awaiting your boarding for departure". so with me barging through the security line saying "that's me their asking for on the pa" empting and filling 10 pockets full of crap (cargo pants) to avoid excess luggage charges i got escorted promptly to the plane with very little in the way of security and bording hassle.
only when i got to sydney my flight to perth had been delayed which ment of course that when i get to perth i gotta bust it (via another shuttle bus) to the one train that leaves for bunbury or have to wander the streets of perth with all my luggage and disassembled bike for the night trying to find somewhere to rest. .. regardless of all obsticles in my way i made it. exausted, mind you.

meanwhile ive been getting to get to know my new 8 flatmates one of which is mikaela's sister and i'm very happy to be reunited with miki once again. (yak or sigh here if needed). once again limiting library computers restrict me with not only pics but with email's now. somehow this blog isn't on their radar yet, so yeah comment-away!.
it's miki's birthday on weds and we're going to rottnest island outside of fremantle to do some cycling and whatnot. ill try to put up some pics when i can but for now it will just have to be the words that come out of the mouth or in this case the words that come from the fingers.
Happy belated b-day to yr special lady friend - mika
Having fun catching up!!! :)
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