Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"are you extremely satisfied?"


you ever get that feeling if you dont stay on top of things all the time they pile up and just become overwhelming?

Photobucket hello wheene

Photobucketbrendo remind me i got a bunch of pics from your show i could send you...
Photobucketlasts daze at 2617

so i'm set up back in vernon a couple jobs hear and there, cooking again at italian kitchen and p/t (sort of) at a tree nursary...helping out around the house; getting stuff done then adding more stuff to the to-do list . really researching on the building of a semi-permanent home... or dome or yurt or igloo or all those ideas and more combined.

i still gotta put up those pics from the LU44 tour eh? maybe next post...

so ive been working some at a new myspace page for my solo stuff (which could be one excuse for the non-existant blog entries). at least the stuff i did last year with pat palardy is up there. hopefully i can get the new ones recorded soon and get them up too. it doesn't look like much but if you wanna see it's...

i tryed to keep it as simple as possible...


1 comment:

Forest Tate Fraser said...

I've found it hard to keep my blog consistent as well. I think it's valuable though, mostly on personal grounds. Keep it up when you can. I've come to view it like songwriting. It comes and goes with the passing days. Sometimes I feel it, sometimes I don't.

Send me those forest pics!

It looks like Fuckin' Life 2010 can happen at the cabin. Details to follow.